Thursday, December 6, 2012

My mom accidently gave her social security number to a phone scam ,what should I do?

Q. Well the dieabetes somthing called my house to tell her that there going to give her a new blood sugar check machine. And they asked for my mom social security number. She wasn't thinking straight and well gave it. I have a gut feeling its a scam because they mentiond somthing a about medicare number, And she's not on medicare. Happend two days ago what should we do?

A. Get a smarter mom.

can you tell me what alpha lipoic acid is?
Q. I know it is some kind of medication for numbness in the feet caused by dieabetes.

A. Alpha-lipoic acid is an antioxidant that is manufactured in the human body. Antioxidants are substances that work by attacking "free radicals," waste products created when the body turns food into energy. Free radicals cause harmful chemical reactions that can damage cells in the body, making it harder for the body to fight off infections. As a result a person becomes more susceptible to long term diseases such as diabetes and liver damage.

Alpha-lipoic acid helps to prevent cell damage, and helps the body rid itself of harmful substances.

Several studies suggest that treatment with ALA may help reduce pain, burning, itching, tingling, and numbness in people who have nerve damage (called peripheral neuropathy) caused by diabetes. Alpha-lipoic acid has been used for years for this purpose in Europe. Other studies have shown that alpha-lipoic acid speeds the removal of glucose (sugar) from the blood of people with diabetes and that this antioxidant may prevent kidney damage associated with diabetes in animals.

Because alpha-lipoic acid can pass easily into the brain, it has protective effects on brain and nerve tissue and shows promise as a treatment for stroke and other brain disorders involving free radical damage.

Because of the potential for side effects and interactions with medications, dietary supplements should be taken only under the supervision of a knowledgeable healthcare provider. This is especially true for those who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Skin rash has been reported rarely from alpha-lipoic acid.

Finally, because alpha-lipoic acid has been associated with improved blood sugar control, people with diabetes should follow their blood sugar levels carefully when taking this supplement in order to avoid hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Your doctor may decide that a reduction in dosage of insulin or oral blood sugar-lowering drugs is needed if you are taking this supplement.

How bad is a sugar level of 30?
Q. I am expecting my second child, and I have recently learned that my sugar level is high. I dont know much about dieabetes, and I was wondering how bad a sugar level of 30 is? I know it is bad, but I have to wait to talk to the doctor for a few days because of the holiday. Any answers to this, or any suggestions to how I can lower it, would be great. Thanks

A. if you live in the UK or canada then 30 is high. if your in the USA then its low (there are 2 different ways to measure the blood sugar, one is mmol and the other is mg/dl) in the UK and canada they use mmol. the normal blood sugar then would be 4 to 7mmol. in the USA it would be about 70 to 120 mg/dl. so if its 30mmol then it is high(thats 540mg/dl for the americans)

to lower it try not to eat a lot of carbs. carbs are what make the blood sugar RISE. exercise also lowers it a little. even if you do cut out carbs and exercise you will most likely still have a high blood sugar by the time you get to see the doctor because it takes a while for it to come down especially without insulin (i am a type 1 diabetic and all i do to lower my blood sugar is take some insulin. i am not quite sure how people who manage there diabetes with pills/diet/exercise..aka mostly type 2's....lower their sugar....well i do know but i dont know how long it takes. with insulin i can come down from a blood sugar of 30 and go back to normal sugar in 3 or 4 hours)

I am an overweight teenager and I need Serious Help?
Q. Okay, so I'm 15, 5' 4" and I weight 230 pounds. I've tried the Atkins diet, yeah didnt work. I tried doing it on my own and I cheated and couldn't get back into the routine of exercising. At my house I have a manual tredmill, 2 five pound weights, a wheelie, and resistance bands.
I know what to do and what to eat I guess I just need the willpower and motivation. Does anybody have any tips.
This has really been bothering me lately, especially since I started High School. Like everyone I want to be accepted and popular but that's just not gonna happen because of how shallow other people are when it comes to weight.
Also I recently found out that My Father has dieabetes, as well as my mom.
Does anyone have any specific exercises and routines that I could do without having to go to a gym or anything., just usuing my tredmill, wheelie, weights and resistance bands.
Any chat rooms involving people with the same problem would be EXTREMELY helpful.

A. You don't have to do anything special in regard to exercise - you just need to do it. At least 30 minutes a day. Whether that's walking on your treadmill, or walking outside, etc. I know how hard it is just to get started - so even if you only do 10 minutes at a shot at first, that's ok!!! Just start, and you will work up to it.

If both your parents have diabetes, you're very much at risk of developing it, too. Trust me, you don't want this condition. It is a lifelong thing with many physical and real-life complications. Please start now with exercise and diet and hopefully you can avoid it.

Watch your carbs, but you don't have to do anything as extreme as Atkins. Drink lots of water and eat foods that are high in fiber. Eat smaller meals, more often - that'll help keep your metabolism burning away.

Don't be too harsh with yourself. If you mess up, just start again the next day. Don't put yourself on an unrealistic diet - eat healthy (you say you know what to eat, and I believe you) and treat your body well.

Head over to - there are some message boards over there for dieting that might be helpful to you.

I know how hard it is to be your age and dealing with a weight problem. Try not to let anyone else get you down. Your goal, in my opinion, should be your health and well-being and not about being accepted. Avoiding diabetes really should be a big motivator.

Just treat yourself well.

Good luck!!

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