Saturday, December 8, 2012

How can I lose weight fast, without taking any pills or drugs?

Q. I'm concerned about my health. I'm very unhealthy and overweight. Its not so much what my body looks like, but more of how I feel and how my health is. My mother has diebeties, and if I'm going to keep myself from getting it, I need to lose weight.
Is there a fast way to lose weight?

A. Eat less, exericse more, and BE REGIMENTED about it. The more often you let yourself cheat the slower the weight loss will be. Don't starve yourself and don't over exert yourself, but be regimented.


How can I lose weight fast, without taking any pills or drugs?
Q. How can I lose weight fast, without taking any pills or drugs?<BR>I'm concerned about my health. I'm very unhealthy and overweight. Its not so much what my body looks like, but more of how I feel and how my health is. My mother has diebeties, and if I'm going to keep myself from getting it, I need to lose weight. <BR>Is there a fast way to lose weight?

A. Honestly it's not easy, you have to have definite will power. It all comes down to eating less and exercising more. It doesn't have to be extreme but cut out all the sugary stuff and do things that get you more active. I like to dance and workout at the gym about 3 times a week, I do about 10minutes of jogging, then about 20minutes on the bike. It may seem like nothing is happening at first but stick with it and it will work, guaranteed. Stay strong, you can do it!!My own hard work.

You can also watch this clip below about losing weight, I'm convinced It will aid you too since it also served me in losing weight. It is very efficient and very speedy result.

What Happens If You Take Insullin And Alcohol At The Same Time?
Q. Okay so im on insullin, but i dont actually have diebeties, I have CF (cystic fibrosis) They put me on insullin though. I do drink alcohol sometimes, and ill be taking insullin everyday and i want to know wud it be okay to take drink with insullin?.

A. Who says you don't have diabetes?

There is a type of diabetes called CFRDM (Cystic Fibrosis Related Diabetes Mellitus). This MAY be why your doctor has prescribed insulin. Check it out with him/her.

Alcohol lowers blood sugar (glucose) levels, my friend. It also inhibits the liver from releasing some of it's stores of glycogen ... the way it stores glucose ... because it's too busy dealing with the alcohol, which it considers more of a toxin than the extra glucose that's present in your bloodstream.

Is it bad if my dog ate fudge?
Q. One time when i was going out for breakfast, i left my fudge on the table. When I got back, the box was ripped up and no more fudge was in it. I knew it was one of my dogs because my cats don't eat things on the table. I don't know wich dog it was but on of my dogs has diebeties. He is very old. Anyways Is it bad if one of my dog ate fudge?

A. OK did he die.. no! And he only had a little bit. So quit worring sister! ANd it was a while ago. SO "chill-ax"

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