Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Is a Raw Vegan Diet healthful for diabetes and high blood pressure?

Q. Is a raw vegan diet healthful over a long period of time, especially with diabetes and high blood pressure? I am trying to switch to a raw vegan diet, but my dietitian insists it is not healthful. Has anybody here tried it long-term, or know anybody who has? I'm wanting to lose a lot of weight, and I've been making a lot of salads, with cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, green bell peppers, celery, onions, carrots ... and then I pour on a bunch of vinegar and lemon juice. It's tasty, nutritious, and very low-calorie. It seems to be working for me, but my dietitian isn't happy. And I didn't even tell you what my primary care physician thinks about my decision to quit all my diabetes and blood pressure medications and just rely on a raw vegan diet instead of the meds ... except that I'm going to have to find another primary care physician.

A. I have heard of people curing diabetes and high blood pressure with a raw food diet. I am not raw myself (though I have played with recipes, and incorporated some things like green smoothies into my daily life), but I have met several long-term raw foodists who have overcome illnesses including diabetes, allergies, eczema, and even one who beat cancer - and all are very healthy now and off of all medications. One book I would highly suggest is 'Eat to Live' by Joel Fuhrman - it is primarily raw food, and addresses the issues of diabetes and high blood pressure. He also has articles about this and many other topics on his website, and he is available for consultations if you want him to create a plan for you to get off your medications. (but I wouldn't just go cold turkey on your medications - your body will need time to adjust and gradually wean yourself off of them). check out these links: (click on the 'reverse disease' link for info on diabetes) - the creative health institute has a fairly inexpensive two-week residential program that teaches you all aspects of how to live and eat raw. I know people who have done this program and had great experiences with it.

good luck!

How can we prevent diabetes type 2? What would be the best diet to prevent?
Q. I currently am writing an article about diabetes. I have been searching and reading many evidence-based articles. However, I'd like to hear your own opinion on diabetes type 2.

A. As you probably know heredity, plays a big roll.

For diet, whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats and poultry, Stay away from the white stuff, white bread, potato's, sugar, white rice etc. Eat as little processed food as possible . All carbs are not created equal a white potato and a sweet potato have the same carbs but metabolize differently, check out the Glycemic Index on foods it will give you more info. Exercise, weight is a big part of it also. If it runs in your family, I don't know if you can prevent it, but maybe you can delay it. The closer to nature the food is the better. Read labels and don't go by net carbs unless your on Adkins. STAY AWAY FROM JUNK FOOD! I hope this helps.

What activity could I do to entertain and inform my listeners about diabetes?
Q. I am doing a presentation on diabetes and I need to keep my audience entertained and informed.
What activity could I do to make a presentation about diabetes fun. I already have all the information that I need but it just seems boring especially for a bunch of 17-19 year olds. Can anyone help me? My presentation revolves around teen and adult diabetes if that helps.

A. Well..
I have type one diabetes and anyone who knows anyone about the disease (as I'm sure you do) knows it's not something 'fun'.
But of course, you don't want to bore your audience to death.

I cannot really think of any way to make if fun, but don't just throw facts at the audience. Use examples, tell stories, ect. I know what I'm much more interested in a more personal presentation than someone naming stupid statistics.

Wish I could be more help.
Feel free to message me if you need any info.

~Lindsey (:

Does anyone know good vegetarian guidelines for people with diabetes Type 2?
Q. I just found out that I have diabetes Type 2. I know I have to stay away from jams, jellies, etc. What are the best protein items I can eat to help me stay healthy? Any other vegetarian/diabetes info would be helpful. I want to try to go veggie for this!

A. Here's some info:

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