Wednesday, December 5, 2012

What do chiropractors believe about diabetes control?

Q. I know that they are an alternative medicine type doctor, and that they can't write prescriptions, which for a doctor sounds a little suspicious to me, but wondered specifically what a chiropractor doctor believed about diabetes control? Do they believe/ support insulin for treatment or have the belief that diabetes can be controlled with back adjustments and a better diet?

A. They are not Drs they are just certified drs given the title because their profession lobbied for it. Not all Chiros believe in alternative and even if they do believe in alternative meds they may not be doing it properly, most chiros that I have worked with are into the money more than they are getting people well.....well at least not until their insurance visits run out.

What is chromium picolinate and can it really?
Q. help with Type 2 diabetes, control?

If so, can you obtain it over the counter or through natural ways - foods, etc...???

Thank you for your help...

A. Chromium picolinate is a nutritional supplement that works to increase the efficiency of insulin to optimal levels.

Chromium picolinate has been touted as a breakthrough in glucose and fat metabolism, weight loss and management of high blood pressure and cholesterol. When chromium, a basic nutrient, is combined with picolinic acid, chromium picolinate is created. Chromium picolinate reduces sugar and carbohydrate cravings. It also suppresses the appetite, which is how it can help lead to weight loss thus helping type 2 diabetes control.

Chromium picolinate is a common ingredient in many herbal weight-loss concoctions readily available for over-the-counter sale at the local drugstore or on the internet. However, because chromium picolinate is a nutritional supplement rather than a prescription drug, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) cannot vouch for the accuracy of its advertising. Scientific research is generally unsupportive of the weight loss claims surrounding chromium picolinate; you must be aware of these discrepancies when making a decision to take this or any other nutritional supplement.

Check with your doctor in adding any supplements to your diabetic treatment.

Hope this helps.

Can you have type 2 diabetes and not be insulin dependent?
Q. My sister and I are arguing over this. I say you go from borderline to type 2 diabetes when you have to monitor your blood sugar and inject insulin. She said you can have type 2 diabetes but control it with exercise and diet and you are considered type 2 because of your fasting blood sugar numbers. Which is correct?

A. I am a Type 2 diabetic and I have never been on insulin. In fact, I have reduced my medication over the years. Most Type 2s don't use insulin. 16% of Type 2s take only insulin and an additional 12% take insulin and oral medications together, for a combined total of approximately 28% of Type 2s on insulin.

Some Type 2s (about 15%) control with diet and exercise and 57% use oral medications. Even among those who use insulin or oral medications or both, diet plays an integral role in blood sugar control.

Usually Type 2s make enough insulin naturally to get by with diet or medications, but some become insulin deficient and require insulin. Some Type 2s don't "need" to use insulin, but they prefer to for the level of control without the side effects that some oral medications have.

So your sister is closer to being correct than you are. Type 2 isn't diagnosed based solely off fasting blood sugar, but it's one common way of detecting diabetes.

How many weeks is normal for delivery with gestational diabetes?
Q. I am 33 weeks along with gestational diabetes. I have been doing very well with my blood sugar levels and my diabetes is controlled by diet.

Is it likely that my doctor will let me carry to 40 weeks?

A. They will put pressure on you to induce early. I'm a type 2 diabetic and went 40 weeks + 1 day for my first pregnancy, and my daughter was 7 1/2 pounds. It's not always medically necessary but a lot of doctors nowadays seem to push diabetic moms into early induction.

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