Sunday, December 2, 2012

My neighbor has Diabetes 2,and has a fear of needles,she has to poke her finger everyday,what advice?

Q. How can she over come this fear? This is very important to her health but the fear is a real issue.Also, is there a good source for her to look up Diabetes 2 internet recipes?

A. make her face her fears by heavily coating the needle with sugar

Question regarding the onset of diabetes 2?
Q. I've been curious about this for a while now, since a few friends of mine (all with a hereditary predisposition to the the disease) had recently been diagnosed with diabetes 2. All in their early 20's. I've always heard that the chance for contracting the disease is significantly higher if your family has it, but what are the chances for someone who DOESN'T have a predisposition to it, of getting it at that same age?

A. I am not sure if anyone could say they have NO hereditary predisposition to develop type 2 diabetes.Most of our grandparents and great grandparents would not have been diagnosed if this disease was present.

Pregnancy,with all of the metabolic and hormonal changes to the body,can lead easily to gestational diabetes.This raises one`s chances of developing diabetes by 60%! Studies are showing the infant`s chances of developing diabetes has increased.

I am on the 'bandwagon" for all pregnant women to be on a diabetic diet automatically.The diet would include whole grains and vegetables as the carbohydrate sources.

For more reasons than avoiding diabetes:
1. Maintain normal body weight.
2.Sleep adequately.
3.Consider not working odd shifts(night work)
4.Avoid excessive alcohol intake
5.Have a daily workout program.
6.Learn how to manage stress.

Can you get a tattoo if you have Diabetes 2?
Q. I desperately want/need to get a tattoo to cover up an old scar on my wrist. Will tattoo artists do tattoos on someone with Diabetes 2?

A. YES, they will!

Some safeguards to be aware of before you go get your tat!!
1. inspect the premisis for proper sterilization proceedures
2. have your glucose in good control
3. talk to the tat artist about their proceedure concerning diabetics

A good tat artist will stop frequently requiring you to test your glucose to make sure you are good. They will also recommend you bring your snacks and water with you.

My friend wanted a tat!! She was tyep 1 diabetic from age 12. She got her tat on her ankle, the ribbon for diabetes and the one for ovarian cancer awareness. She fought the ovarian canccer for almost 5 years!!

It wasn't anything about diabetes that killed her! It was something none of the doctors routinely test for nor do most of them take it seriously until it is ready to kill! She was diagnosed at stage 4 ovarian cancer and given 6 months maximum, but beat the odds by 5 years.

Get your tat and don't let anyone talk you out of it!! Just take a bit of care about the shop and the tat artist!

If I have Diabetes type 2, would a private insurance cover me?
Q. At this point I have major insurance by the county but it only last 6 months. I was diagnosed with Diabetes while on this insurance. To my knowledge, insurances companies have to cover you if you have previous insurance???? How would the preexisting condition affect this?

P.S. I am taking medication for the Diabetes 2.


Any idea how much insurance cost for individual.

Other than the Diabetes, I am healthy.

I do weight 254 but I am 6 4 with muscle.

A. Your new insurance carrier cannot consider the diabetes a pre-existing condition as long as you don't have more than a 63 day break in coverage between the 2 plans.

In other words, if your insurance through the county ends on August 31, your new insurance plan will have to become effective within 63 days. If it does, your diabetes (and any other medical conditions) cannot be considered pre-existing. However, if you go 64 or more days before the new plans becomes effective, all bets are off. You'll be subject to whatever pre-existing condition limits the new plan has.

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