Q. I take a immune26 or I26 and have recently been advised that I have diabetes type 2 and I know it's a immune system issue. I would like to know if anyone else takes this product or knows a good doseage to help combate the diabetes. Some info can be found on the website www.legacyforlife.net/michaeljohns
A. This is not the forum for real medical advise. Do yourself a favor and contact your doctor or health professional.
What causes people with Type 1 diabetes to get bad headaches and migraines?
Q. My little brother has type 1 diabetes and was diagnosed with it at 12 months old and he sometimes get bad migraines. What causes migraines and bad headaches when you have type 1 diabetes?
He is 17 years old and is a big part of me. If something ever happened to him, damn I don't know what I'd do.
I need some responses here guys.
Thank Tralee, but he already has an insulin pump as do most people with type 1.
He is 17 years old and is a big part of me. If something ever happened to him, damn I don't know what I'd do.
I need some responses here guys.
Thank Tralee, but he already has an insulin pump as do most people with type 1.
A. I have had type 1 since I was 16 yrs old and have had migraines as well . It is because your sugar goes too high and puts excess pressure on your brain cells causing exspansion of them and that is what causes the migraines . I got this info from my dr and also I got a prescription for sumatriptan and it does help but makes you very drowsy and you cannot do anything after that .
How long does diabetes take to develop?
Q. I had a fasting glucose test in late 2006 which returned normal. I went back to the doctor this week and he recommended I retest every 1.5 years to monitor that until I bring certain risk factors under control. Is it possible to go from normal to full blown diabetes in a year?
A. Type two diabetes is generally pretty slow to progress. A lot depends on your diet and lifestyle. For me, it took years after the symptoms presented for my doctor to pronounce me, "diabetic".
Yes, it's possible, but not likely. If it's a concern, just learn all you can about preventing it by visiting my diabetes info page:
BTW, It also has taken years for me to reverse the process to where I no longer have to take medication.
Yes, it's possible, but not likely. If it's a concern, just learn all you can about preventing it by visiting my diabetes info page:
BTW, It also has taken years for me to reverse the process to where I no longer have to take medication.
How can we prevent diabetes type 2? What would be the best diet to prevent?
Q. I currently am writing an article about diabetes. I have been searching and reading many evidence-based articles. However, I'd like to hear your own opinion on diabetes type 2.
A. As you probably know heredity, plays a big roll.
For diet, whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats and poultry, Stay away from the white stuff, white bread, potato's, sugar, white rice etc. Eat as little processed food as possible . All carbs are not created equal a white potato and a sweet potato have the same carbs but metabolize differently, check out the Glycemic Index on foods it will give you more info. Exercise, weight is a big part of it also. If it runs in your family, I don't know if you can prevent it, but maybe you can delay it. The closer to nature the food is the better. Read labels and don't go by net carbs unless your on Adkins. STAY AWAY FROM JUNK FOOD! I hope this helps.
For diet, whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats and poultry, Stay away from the white stuff, white bread, potato's, sugar, white rice etc. Eat as little processed food as possible . All carbs are not created equal a white potato and a sweet potato have the same carbs but metabolize differently, check out the Glycemic Index on foods it will give you more info. Exercise, weight is a big part of it also. If it runs in your family, I don't know if you can prevent it, but maybe you can delay it. The closer to nature the food is the better. Read labels and don't go by net carbs unless your on Adkins. STAY AWAY FROM JUNK FOOD! I hope this helps.
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