Q. I currently am writing an article about diabetes. I have been searching and reading many evidence-based articles. However, I'd like to hear your own opinion on diabetes type 2.
A. As you probably know heredity, plays a big roll.
For diet, whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats and poultry, Stay away from the white stuff, white bread, potato's, sugar, white rice etc. Eat as little processed food as possible . All carbs are not created equal a white potato and a sweet potato have the same carbs but metabolize differently, check out the Glycemic Index on foods it will give you more info. Exercise, weight is a big part of it also. If it runs in your family, I don't know if you can prevent it, but maybe you can delay it. The closer to nature the food is the better. Read labels and don't go by net carbs unless your on Adkins. STAY AWAY FROM JUNK FOOD! I hope this helps.
For diet, whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats and poultry, Stay away from the white stuff, white bread, potato's, sugar, white rice etc. Eat as little processed food as possible . All carbs are not created equal a white potato and a sweet potato have the same carbs but metabolize differently, check out the Glycemic Index on foods it will give you more info. Exercise, weight is a big part of it also. If it runs in your family, I don't know if you can prevent it, but maybe you can delay it. The closer to nature the food is the better. Read labels and don't go by net carbs unless your on Adkins. STAY AWAY FROM JUNK FOOD! I hope this helps.
How do i switch from Diabetes type 2 to Diabetes 1?
Q. i have Diabetes type 2 for one year now and i am getting pretty tired of having it, my uncle John have diabetes Type 1 and he says its much better, and he make funny of me. so if anyone could link me a video tutorial how to switch i would be really happy if it work.
Best regards Jeff.
Best regards Jeff.
A. I'm not sure whether you're being serious, or whether you're trolling, but you do NOT switch from type 2 to type 1, or vice versa. The two types of diabetes are totally different, sharing only symptoms and complications that can befall the sufferer.
Can a person with diabetes type 2 eat honey ?
Q. I hear contradicting opinions about this (even from doctors).Do you have any experience proving that people with diabetes type 2 can actually include honey in their diet?
A. Yes you can eat honey my mom uses honey to sweeten her coffee and she's Diabetic. You have to watch your carb intake.
Can diabetes type 2 be reversed / eliminated if the diabetes 2 is weight induced ?
Q. Can losing a large amount of weight do away with the diabetes type 2 ?
A. I have type two and as far as I know once you get it you own it. it can be controlled by what you eat and how well you keep it under control. learn all you can about it, I have congestive heart failure and
bad lungs to go along with it. so I don't watch as close as I should but what the hell my days are numbered. You need to control it. Learn all you can about it side effects are everything and death so don't mess with it, learn
bad lungs to go along with it. so I don't watch as close as I should but what the hell my days are numbered. You need to control it. Learn all you can about it side effects are everything and death so don't mess with it, learn
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