Sunday, December 9, 2012

How do you know when you have Sugar Diabetes?

Q. My Friend has dizzy spells and she has been to the doctor but he has not test her for sugar diabetes he has giving her X Ray on her ear.

A. What is sugar diabetes???? There are only 2 types, type 1 and type 2. If she only shows dizziness of course they aren't going to test her because weight loss, thirst, frequent urination are more common symptoms.

What happens if someone with bad diabetes refuses to amputate a dead foot?
Q. If someone that has sugar diabetes does not amputate a bad foot... Can it kill them?
They are saying his heart rate is only 20% and is too weak to preform an amputation.

A. I am afraid they are all correct. There may be the possibility of doing the amputation under an epidural injection (like for having a baby). This is a lot less stress on the heart than a general anesthetic but isn't free of risks either. It is also very stressful for the patient as they can hear the saws etc.

Does too much sugar cause diabetes or is that just an old wives tale?
Q. I've been eating a lot of sugar lately. Diabetes doesn't run in my family but I've heard too much sugar can cause it. Is this true?

A. Absolutely an old wives's tale! Too much of anything is not good for you! Moderation in all things is always your best course.

Diabetes is much more complicated than just too much sugar. Type II (adult onset) diabetes is caused by the inability of the pancreas to produce enough insulin to process the sugar in your body; however, all of the starch you consume is converted to a form of sugar. A large contributing factor to acquiring Type II diabetes is consuming too many calories.

Type II diabetes *does* seem to run in families. My mother was diagnosed with diabetes in her 70s, I'm not sure when my older sister was diagnosed. I was diagnosed around age 65 and my younger sister (two years older) was apparently diagnosed in her 60s. My brother, now 67 has not yet been diagnosed with diabetes.

Why are people with diabetes always thirsty?
Q. I had a quiz in my nutrition class today,and this question came up. We were supposed to give 4 answers. I could only think of one real reason (to lessen blood sugar as it is thick when hyperglycemic).
I added other points about muscle contractions and ease of digestion, but they have nothing to do with blood sugar/diabetes, really, so I'm not sure what else I should have put!
What else should I have added?

A. Hi,

The body always has a system, and a backup system.

When the body works normally, the pancreas keeps the sugar levels under control by making the correct amount of insulin, and changes any sugar spikes into body fats.

When that system does not work, then the kidneys start to remove sugars and send them to the bladder. This causes you to pee, and to be thirsty too.

So it is the second defense for the body to control super high blood sugar levels.

What you really need to do is study your book, and find out what it says about being a diabetic, and being thirsty. You can usually look up such things in the back, sort of an index for things like this.

Good Luck!

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