Sunday, December 9, 2012

What causes people with Type 1 diabetes to get bad headaches and migraines?

Q. My little brother has type 1 diabetes and was diagnosed with it at 12 months old and he sometimes get bad migraines. What causes migraines and bad headaches when you have type 1 diabetes?

He is 17 years old and is a big part of me. If something ever happened to him, damn I don't know what I'd do.
I need some responses here guys.
Thank Tralee, but he already has an insulin pump as do most people with type 1.

A. I have had type 1 since I was 16 yrs old and have had migraines as well . It is because your sugar goes too high and puts excess pressure on your brain cells causing exspansion of them and that is what causes the migraines . I got this info from my dr and also I got a prescription for sumatriptan and it does help but makes you very drowsy and you cannot do anything after that .

How young can you detect Type 1 Diabetes in an infant?
Q. Diabetes runs in my husbands side of the family, and he was diagnosed at 11 withtype 1 diabetes. We have a 6 month old baby girl and im just curious as to how early type 1 diabetes can be detected or how early it can occur. I Would appriciate any info on the type of tests that are run to diagnose this in an infant or young child.Thanks!

A. You or your doctor can press a glucose stick into a very wet diaper.
Any sugar would show up.
Babies are checked at birth.
You should let your doctor know your concerns in advance and he can do regular tests .
Good luck.

What can I do to help my best friend who has diabetes?
Q. He is 13 and has type 1 diabetes. We are really close and he is always talking about it (how it sucks to have it). I really want to help him because he seems so helpless. I need info. Ex. What do i do if he needs help like if he does not have his insulator?

A. Treating and managing diabetes is difficult enough without the added pain of pinprick blood monitoring and painful insulin injections. The number of times a diabetic has to test blood sugar levels and administer insulin depends on their individual diabetic situation. Although diabetes cures and permanent treatments are on the horizon, for the moment accurate and diligent prevention strategies are the key to managing diabetes successfully. Two areas in particular cause diabetics pain � administering insulin and monitoring the blood.

Is there a app to find nutritional info from my recipes?
Q. I have a Samsung Galaxy table 7.0 and am looking for an app where if you have a recipe and entering the ingredients it will tell you the nutritional info. Like a a recipe nutrition calculator.

My son who is 15 months was just diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and something like this would be a great help. Thanks.

A. great question. Ask this in the diabetes section of the health category and you may get more answers.

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