Sunday, December 9, 2012

When will the human genome project be done? And we know how to cure?

Q. Cure for mental illness, cures for diabetes, cures for everything. How far away are we, what are scientists working on now?

A. Working on proper sentences, we scientists are.

The core of the human genome project (the sequencing and cataloguing of the genome itself) is done. As for what all the genes do and how their product proteins function... well, genomics and proteomics as fields have their jobs cut out for them for a good while yet.

(Also, scientists aren't just geneticists... Asking what scientists are working on now is like asking what any one person in the world is doing at a given time. All sorts of cool things. Look up "Large Hadron Collider" for some cool physics updates.)

How Halle Berry and other celebrities cure from diabetes?
Q. I have suffering from type 2 diabetes and I feel very bad and I'm confused how to treat diabetes? I read many articles on web how to cure from diabetes and which supplement is best to cure diabetes? But I get motivation after read article on Halle berry which is One of the Most Popular Celeb with Type 2 Diabetes and she encourage me how we cure from diabetes.

A. Actually, TheOrange, Type 2 diabetes can be cured. It's type 1 that can't be (I have type 1). For type two there are supplements to help keep blood glucose in check but it can only actually be cured with diet and exercise and it won't come easy. Shed some pounds and eat healthy and you might be able to achieve it though. Tips: stay away from things that have high and unatural sugar content and also foods with excess fat or starch. Fat makes your body process carbs (which turns to sugar once it hits the blood stream) slower so your blood sugar spikes last longer. I eat all non-processed foods and my A1C is loads better than when I ate whatever I felt like. good luck.

what are some medical discoveries made by animal testing?
Q. i am writing a paper about how medical testing is good. could you give me examples like diabetes cures, etc. stuff like that.

A. Pretty well everything. An animal-testing phase is required before human testing for any drug or device as part of the process of applying for FDA approval in the US, and something similar is required in other countries.

how much has been donated to type 1 diabetes cure over the years?
Q. just curious how much has been donated to type1 diabetes cure, not more medicine

A. You can do a lot of good for yourself right now.

The one common connection between all people with diabetes (both with type 1 and type 2) is that they're all severely dehydrated. Correcting this dehydration will result in less medication usage and in many cases (of type 2) a complete reversal of the condition.

I know this doesn't offer you much hope, but if increasing your water and salt intake will help even in your case, then I'd say it's worth a shot (pun intended).

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